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What are the costs involved in having my own website?

Home / What are the costs involved in having my own website?

There are two types of costs involved in owning a website.

1. Initial Cost to set up

2. Ongoing cost to run/maintain the website.

Key costs are for development, hosting, domain name & maintenance. Some development companies also force you to pay upfront deposit amount to provide their maintenance through contract. Note that SEO costs are not included here. This has to be planned outside the normal budget provided below.

Cost estimates for 4 page static website:

Initial Set Up Cost Other Web Developers in UK
(Based on info available in their websites)
Web Design cost Web Developer cost £95(Personal Package) £200 – £400
Hosting Hosting Server for the first year Free 0-£200+ Per Month (based on the plan)
Domain Name First Year £5 – £10 / Year
(Self Purchase)
£5 – £10 / Year
(Self Purchase)
Total £95 + £5 £(200 to 500) + £5
Ongoing Cost to run/Maintain
Domain Name Yearly Renewal Cost £5 – £10 / Year £5 – £10 / Year
Hosting Monthly hosting server charge £1.66 £0 – £100+ (based on the plan)
Maintenance This is needed only if you are going to update your site £6/hour No Pre Agreement Amount £10 – £90/Hour Pre-Agreement amount may be Applicable

Cost estimates for Ecommerce(Woocommerce based) website:

Initial Set Up Cost Others (Estimated)
Web Design cost Web Developer cost £495+(Ecommerce Package) £2000 – £10000+
Hosting VPN / Dedicated Server) £200+ Per Month
Domain Name First Yearcost £5 – £10 / Year(Self Purchase) £5 – £10 / Year(Self Purchase)
Total £495 + £200 + 5 £(2000 to 10000) + £200 + £5
Ongoing Cost to run/Maintain
Domain Name Yearly Renewal Cost £5 – £10 / Year £5 – £10 / Year
Hosting Regular hosting charge £200+ Per Month (based on the plan)
Maintenance This is needed only if you are going to update your site £6/hour No Pre Agreement Amount £10 – £90/Hour Pre-Agreement amount may be Applicable

Final Print:

Though set up cost looks like the bigger component. You need to keep an eye on maintenance cost too. Some developers charge over £50 / hour, which may spiral into hundreds of pounds if you have any changes to make.

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